Wednesday, 21 November 2012

Desaru Coast GDV expected to hit RM5b

            Khazanah Nasional Bhd’s resorts and hotels investment with Destination Resorts and Hotels Sdn Bhd (DRH) estimated that the first phase of Desaru Coast GDV in Johore to generate gross value of RM5 billion.
            This project is located in 728.43ha site is develop by Desaru Holdings One Sdn Bhd (DH1) and now 10 per cent is already complete. The first phase willcomplete the four components which are Datai Langkawi, Sheraton Resort and Plantation Hotel, the Riverwalk and hospitality, tourism and culinary school.
            The joint-venture between Bagan Cerah Sdn Bhd and Perbadanan Darul takzim with ratio on share is 70:30 per cent. Desaru Coast is built along 17km beach that located in strategic east coast of Johor and also provide facilities to other countries such as Singapore and Indonesia through air, land and sea.
            The luxury destination resorts will be built in second and third phase. Muhd firdaus said that the first luxury destinations in our region not only completed other development in Johore but also will boost other development trades and domestic businesses and new townships.
            Mohd Nadziruddin said that RM 600 million was gained from Malayan Banking Bhd for the first phase. Khazanah Nasional Bhd also will be put in a seed capital for the development.

            Nowadays, the rate of unemployment is increasing in Malaysia. One of the methods to cater this issue is the development in the country. So, the benefits of development of Desaru Coast GDV and the most important things in the development are the job opportunities will increase. For this Desaru coast GDV will create over 3,500 job opportunities to the Malaysian.
            As we know, the development in the country gives the positive impressions to the country. One of the criteria of the developing countries is based on their facilities, public transportations and development of buildings. Due to the fact, Malaysian can attract investors from outside to invest in Malaysia. The increment Foreign Domestic Investment (FDI) is important that shows to the world that Malaysia is a safe to invest because of positive impressions from foreign investors.
            In addition, the Desaru Coast GDV can contribute to strengthen our neighbourhood country such as Singapore and Indonesia because it is built on the east coast of Johor. The connectivity between these countries can accelerate the economics on those countries. As developing countries, we need to depend on each other to develop our economy.
            Last but not least, with the development of Desaru Coast GDV, it can attract tourists from inside but also outside of Malaysia to come and visit Malaysia. We need to promote our attractive spots in Malaysia to gains belief of foreigners to come and it shows we need development that can boost our tourism.

Thursday, 11 October 2012

Monitor Household Debt

The increasing household debts need the attention from Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM) to monitor the household debts in control and do not affect to the economic activities. In 2011, the ratio of household debt for Gross Domestic Product (GDP) reaches 77 percent rather than 69 percent in 2006.
Apparently, Malaysia’s households were reported that RM653 billion in accumulated and each household in debt RM108000. In the perspectives of Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM), even though the numbers is big in this region but it was under control.
Furthermore, the household debts are mainly because of owning houses and cars in conjunction with the enhancement of salaries and wages of household. The enhancement per capita income from RM15,169 12years ago to RM31,000 in nowadays affected to the purchasing power to goods and services.
Household debt to gross domestic product (GDP) ratio is expected to further balloon by 1 to 3 percentage points from its current level of about 78% if the external headwinds continue and impact the growth of the domestic economy.
The rise in household, debt analysts said, could impact banks' profitability with the recent Bank Negara's guidelines to contain surging household debt with stricter policies for loans and credit cards, hence restricting overall loans growth.
Malaysian Rating Corp Bhd chief economist Nor Zahidi Alias said that, the ratio to the country’s output, Malaysia’s household debts will likely remain high or increase slightly in 2012, especially if nominal GDP fails to increase due to general slowdown in the global economy.
Borrowings from banks accounted for 84.2% of total household debt in 2010. In the first 10 months of this year, banks' lending to the household sector grew by 12.6% to RM540.5bil. A banking analyst from MIDF Research added that he expected household loans to trend downwards with Bank Negara's stricter guidelines on credit cards and new lending guidelines that required banks to use net income to calculate the debt service ratio for loan approvals.

The main problem for this issue is the awareness of the society to choose between their need and want. From the article’s summary, we can see that the main factor for household debts is because of their debt to own house and car. It is also about the price of the house and car itself. Nowadays we can see that these two things are the main materials to be possessed and the demand for these things are increasing but at the same time the price is also increasing. Households often prefer to purchase houses and cars that provide a flow of services over several years rather than rent it.
In the government perspective, they need to have initiative such as to decrease the price of houses and cars. Or maybe government can increase the salaries and wages to increase the purchasing power and ability to the household to settle their debts.
For the financial institution, the interest rate can be decrease to ease the household to pay the interest. We know that with the high interest rate will burden for the borrower because they did not only pay the interest but they need to pay the assets that the purchase. They also can stricter guidelines for new borrower to borrow some money to control the capability the borrower to settle their obligations.
On the other hand, the society needs to choose rationally before make the decision to purchase something between needs and wants. One of the factors that lead the society borrowing is the trend such as to have big houses, expensive cars and updated gadget. From this trend, they do not think wisely before make the decisions.
In conclusion, the declines in household consumption and real GDP are substantially larger, unemployment rises more and the reduction in economic activity. From this situation, recessions will affect the household debt to increase. In the future, there should be more business loans than household loans because with the increase in business loans will contribute to our economic growth. Due to the fact, there are many job opportunities to the society and will lead to increase the purchasing power. The stability of economic growth is depends on the purchasing power and demands.

This is from my perspectives for this issue. Maybe wrong or maybe right. Anyone can criticize and comment for this entry because I not an expert but try to become expert to contribute something to Islam. Thank you.

Monday, 30 July 2012

Dividend Policy


            The shares in Pengrowth Energy Corp. were down almost six per cent Friday after the oil and gas producer announced that it is slashing its monthly dividend by 43 per cent starting next month.

The Calgary-based company said it was making the move to control their operations and minimize their productions due to weakness in both spot and forward commodity prices and the economy is not stable.

As a result, Pengrowth's monthly dividend will fall to four cents per share beginning with the August 15 payment.


In order to Pengrowth Energy Corp. to achieve the growth, management proposed a strategy relying on Pengrowth Energy Corp. is slashing its monthly dividend by 43 per cent starting next month, as crude prices have fallen by 14 per cent this year.
In addition, a $200-million pro forma capital expenditure reduction that coincided with the $1.9-billion purchase of NAL Energy Corp. announced March 23.

The reduction of the dividend, in conjunction with the capital expenditure reduction and company ongoing hedging programs, it should enhance the company financial flexibility.


Pengrowth is a pretty mediocre producer with pretty mediocre assets to start with and they've got too many of them. They have got so much on their operations that I do not think they have the capacity to operate all of them efficiently.

There are several advantages maintaining dividend policies are:
  1. žThe dividend payout will provide a very strong signal to investors of true financial strength and of the credibility of earnings reports. 
  2. A high dividend could attract investors to buy a certain company’s shares. 
  3. The dividend policy could imply stock price in the future.
The company was not paying such a high dividend; they can have plenty of capital to start with, and plenty of opportunities to operate that at a better return.


1- The company needs to focus on the dividend payment to maintain their shareholders. Based on the advantages that the company can get with maintaining their payment of dividend which are;
  • The dividend payout will provide a very strong signal to investors of true financial strength and of the credibility of earnings reports. 
  • A high dividend could attract investors to buy a certain company’s shares.
2- Some analysts do not agree with the purchasing of NAL Energy Corp. which are cost $1.9-billion. The cost is too high for Pengrowth because
  • Pengrowth is a pretty mediocre producer with pretty mediocre assets to start with and they have got too many of assets.
  •   Pengrowth did not have the capacity to operate all of them efficiently.

    This is summary for my point of view..Treasurer of Ma'ruf Club International Islamic University Malaysia 2011/2012

Wednesday, 27 June 2012

Harapan Anak Muda

Assalamualaikum, pertamanya marilah mengucapkan syukur kepada Allah kerana masih diberi nikmat Iman dan Islam serta selawat dan salam kepada Nabi junjungan kita, Nabi Muhammad s.a.w. InsyaAllah untuk entri ini hanya serba ringkas tetapi diharapkan para pembaca dapat mengambil input walaupun sedikit.

Dr Muhammad Mursi diisytihar memenangi kerusi Presiden Mesir setelah beberapa abad di bawah pemerintahan rejim Hosni Mubarak. Alhamdulillah kita sangat bersyukur kepada Allah dengan kemenangan Ikhwanul Muslimin dan juga memeberi inspirasi kepada gerakan-gerakan Islam seantero dunia.

Dapat kita lihat dari gambar-gambar di Facebook yang mana masyarakat di Mesir bersujud syukur dengan kemenangan Dr Mursi dan bersama-sama kepimpinan Dr Mursi. Itu adalah antara asbab terbesar kemenangan Islam di Mesir kerana mendapat mandat dari rakyat. Tidak lupa juga kita di Malaysia, pemimpin yang dipilih mestilah dari kalangan orang-orang yang berkelayakan dan amanah. Tidak lupa juga ianya mendapat 'pengesahan' dari rakyat.

Dalam kita berbicara tentang amanah, suka saya memetik firman-Nya Azza wa Jal:
إِنَّا عَرَضْنَا الأمَانَةَ عَلَى السَّمَاوَاتِ وَالأرْضِ وَالْجِبَالِ فَأَبَيْنَ أَنْ يَحْمِلْنَهَا وَأَشْفَقْنَ مِنْهَا وَحَمَلَهَا الإنسان إِنَّهُ كَانَ ظَلُوماً جَهُولاً
 (Surah Al-Ahzab,Ayat 72)

"Sesungguhnya Kami telah mengemukakan amanah kepada langit, bumi dan gunung-gunung, maka semuanya enggan untuk memikul amanat itu dan mereka khawatir akan mengkhianatinya, dan dipikul amanat itu oleh manusia. Sesungguhnya manusia itu amat zalim dan amat bodoh."

Para 'ulama menafsirkan ظَلُوماً adalah mereka ada ilmu tetapi bertindak zalim dan جَهُولاً adalah mereka yang tiada ilmu dan tidak berusaha mencari ilmu. Dalam erti kata lain, manusia mestilah mempunyai ilmu dan beramal dengannya.

Masyarakat hari ini sudah membuka mata bahawa keadilan dalam pemerintahan negara amat penting bagi menjaga kesinambungan kebajikan setiap anggota masyarakat. Masyarakat tidak hanya dahagakan duit 'ekspress' dan material semata-semata tetapi juga mengharapkan kejayaan di akhirat kelak. Non-muslim juga menaruh keyakinan kepada pemimpin Islam yang berintegriti kerana mereka percaya di dalam Islam  amat menitik-beratkan kepada keadilan dan kebajikan.

Oleh itu, saya menyeru khususnya para pemimpin agar dapat menjalankan tanggungjawab dan amanah kepimpinan selari dengan Islam agar kebangkitan Islam dapat dilihat seantero dunia untuk mencapai keredhaan Allah. Kami anak muda dahagakan kepada kebangkitan Islam agar diri kami tidak terjerumus ke lembah maksiat. Kami di peringkat anak muda juga perlu berperanan menjunjung aspirasi kerajaan Malaysia yang berlandaskan Islam dan menolak segala kemungkaran.

Wednesday, 30 May 2012


Assalamualaikum, first let's thank God for being given the blessings of faith and Islam and peace and blessings be upon our beloved Prophet Muhammad saw. I would like to post this as short and precise, but it is hoped that readers can take input in the slightest.Silence is gold. In Islam silence is more than gold. There is a well-known saying of the Prophet Muhammad on the value of keeping silent.Solat is the main pillar of Islam, however remaining silent is better. Sadaqah will extinguish the anger of Allah, however remaining silent is better. Fasting is a shield against the fire of hell, however remaining silent is better. Jihad occupies a high position in the deen of Allah, however remaining silent is better.

The human experiences by reducing four of his habits: Socializing, eating, sleeping and talking much. Islam puts much emphasis on controlling one's tongue. Speech is one of that related to the spiritual heart. Generally useless talk is most of what we done. It is that which is said with little thought and less purpose. Even talking about religion can fall into this category. Many Muslims talk about God and Islam without proper knowledge.

I feel like I need to more on silence if I were no knowledge about the issues. Like we can look nowadays, many people want to talk and defend their stands even though it can bring more harm than good. I need to search for more knowledge to be more zuhud and prevent from riyak.

Friday, 18 May 2012


Assalamualaikum, pertamanya marilah mengucapkan syukur kepada Allah kerana masih diberi nikmat Iman dan Islam serta selawat dan salam kepada Nabi junjungan kita, Nabi Muhammad s.a.w. InsyaAllah untuk entri ini hanya serba ringkas tetapi diharapkan para pembaca dapat mengambil input walaupun sedikit.
                Daripada pengisian yang diberikan oleh Suhaib Webb, adalah berkenaan praktikaliti bukan sekadar teori. Imam As-Syatibi di dalam kitabnya Muafakat menceritakan bahawa Nabi Muhammad s.a.w tidak menghabiskan masa memikirkan tentang teori yang tidak dapat dipraktikkan. Melalui sirah kita dapat lihat bahawa Nabi Muhammad s.a.w pernah bertanya kepada Malaikat Jibril tentang hari kiamat. Akan tetapi tidak dijawab oleh Malaikat Jibril. Apabila Baginda bertanya tentang tanda-tanda hari Kiamat barulah Malaikat Jibril menjawab pertanyaan Baginda.
                Pernah datang fulan bin fulan kepada baginda dan bertanya,"(متى الساعة يا رسول الله) Bilakah hari Kiamat, Ya Rasulullah?”. Dan Baginda menjawab “Apakah persediaan wahai fulan bin fulan?”. Pengkaji sejarah merumuskan bahawa Baginda memperlihatkan persediaan itu yang bersifat yang praktikal daripada mengetahui tentang tarikh hari Kiamat sahaja.
`               Justeru, Suhaib Webb memberikan method-method yang perlu untuk mengatasi masalah-masalah Islamofobia dengan ada 4 perkara iaitu;
1.       Pastikan penyerahan kita kepada Allah kuat. Apabila hubungan kita dengan Allah itu kuat secara tidak langsung, akan diterjemahkan dengan pertolongan Allah dan keyakinan kepada Allah bertambah.
2.       Komitmen anak muda untuk melakukan gerak kerja Islam. Muhasabi mengatakan “kamu tidak dapat apa yang kamu kehendaki selagi mana kita hidup dengan apa yang kita nakkan tetapi dan kamu tidak akan mencapai impian kamu kecuali dengan sabar dengan apa yang tidak disukai”.
3.       Kerja-kerja yang tersusun. Dalam kita melakukan gerak kerja Islam harus dipastikan bahawa gerak kerja hendaklah bersistematik agar apa yang dilakukan berkesan dan tidak sia-sia.
4.       Silaturrahim yang mantap. Harus dijelaskan bahawa bukan bangsa,suku kaum atau puak yang dipentingkan tetapi syariat Allah yang harus ditegaskan. Sebagai manusia, kita harus menerima kritikan, harus memberi kritikan untuk membina dan sama-sama bangun dan memperbaiki diri untuk kemajuan Islam.
Ibn Taimiyah menyebutkan bahawa, “aku menjadi orang Islam setiap hari”. Dan ada sahabatnya bertanya, “apakah maksudmu bahawa kamu menjadi Islam setiap hari?”. Dan Ibn Taimiyah menjawab “aku memperbaharui Islamku, memperbaharui hubunganku dengan Allah setiap hari”. Nabi Muhammad s.a.w mengajar satu doa untuk untuk kita hayati, (فسال الله تعلى مجددا لكم ايمانكم)“Ya Allah aku minta pada-MU agar ditetapkan dan ditingkatkan iman kepada-Mu Ya Allah”.
Saya antara aktivis mahasiswa Islam UIAM menyeru sahabat-sahabat saya terutama aktivis-aktivis mahasiswa di luar sana agar dapat menjadi pemimpin orang-orang yang beriman dan dapat menerajui kebangkitan anak muda dengan kesedaran Islam. Maaf kalau ada tersilap bicara. Segala komen dan cadangan amat dialukan. TAKBIR!!! ALLAHUAKBAR!!!
